
SHORT BREAK - GUIDED - Cycling Algarve Coast Line - Sagres to Portimão - 3 nights | 2 stages


  • Cycling Holidays, Sagres fortress
  • Guided Cycling tour Sagres
  • Cycling Holidays, secondary roads
  • Guided Cycling Holidays Sagres to Lagos
  • Cycling Holidays Sagres to Lagos
  • Cycling Holidays Salema
  • Cycling to Boca do Rio
  • Cycling along the coast
  • Cycling by the Ria de Alvor
  • Portuguese Gastronomy

  • Explore places in the south of Portugal with ancient roots of fishing traditions
  • Discover incredible landscapes upon the coast and beautiful beaches in the Algarve
  • Cycle through typical Portuguese villages and towns along the coastal region of the Algarve
  • 4* Hotels
  • MegaSport Guide
  • Extra Nights Available


On this guided cycling tour you will cycle 82 km on a 2-day itinerary along the Algarve coast, surrounded by incredible landscapes. The selected stages provide you with magnificent moments that you will certainly keep in memory. The huge cliffs of Sagres, the sweet surroundings of Lagos, the wonders of Ria de Alvor, the stunning landscapes upon the coast, along with the typical characteristics of the Algarve coastal villages and towns express some of the experiences that you don’t want to miss.

The beginning of your cycling holiday is marked at the most southwestern point of Continental Europe, at Cape St. Vincent in Sagres, by the Algarve coast with incredible landscapes through the huge cliffs. Secondary roads and quiet paths will guide you to the city of Lagos, a historic centre that dates back to the Age of Portuguese Discoveries. Cycling along the Algarve coast, you will visit several locations with ancient roots of fishing traditions such as Salema, Lagos and Portimão. Cycling along the coast, the itinerary shows you some of the most beautiful beaches in the Algarve every day, allowing you to take a refreshing swim daily. The itinerary full of aromas, knowledge and adventure reaches its destination in Portimão, a city with a strong connection to fishing culture, on the banks of the Arade River.

On your Guided Short Break Cycling Holidays through the Algarve Coast, enjoy the beaches of fine golden sand next to the typical coastal villages and towns, try many products and traditions, discover historical sites, enjoy a great selection of seafood, typical Portuguese cuisine and much more! Certainly, a wonderful experience that you will not want to miss.


World's Leading Destination 2017, 2018 and 2019

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SHORT BREAK - GUIDED - Cycling Algarve Coast Line - Sagres to Portimão - 3 nights | 2 stages


Day 1 - Arrival

Transfer with MegaSport from Faro airport, or from another location of your choice, to the hotel in Sagres, where you will start your cycling holiday. The meaning of this village for world history is tremendous, witnessed by a wealth of historical events, stories and tales. The ruins of the 16th century Baleeira Fort, the magnificent fortress and the Mareta beach are some of the highlights to explore in the village.

(Extra nights available before departure to Lagos).


Day 2 - Cape St. Vincent to Lagos (51 km)

Start your day by exploring Sagres, one of the most important areas in the Algarve accordingly with its exceptionally rich heritage. The starting point is next to the lighthouse at Cape St. Vincent - the most southwestern point of Portugal and Continental Europe. Enjoy the views to the ocean and to the cliffs that rise almost vertically from the Atlantic to a height of 75 meters. Cycling along quiet roads, enjoy the passage through Vila do Bispo to visit its 18th century Mother Church and through Raposeira to visit its 16th century Mother Church, taking a break in one of the traditional cafés, while chatting with the local people. Cycling towards the coast on secondary roads, the landscape is over green fields by the gentle hills, with a common presence of pine trees. Upon arriving at the coast, you are greeted with a resounding landscape over the ocean. In Salema, a fishing village, you can enjoy a refreshing swim while watching the traditional arts of fishing of this village. It is to highlight the passage through the Boca do Rio, not only by all the Lusitanian-Roman ruins that can be witnessed here, but also by the magnificent scenery that gives us, the beach in the valley between two hills. Quiet paths and roads with little movement with some elevations mark the route to the destination. At Burgau beach, also known as the Portuguese Santorini, the traditional fishing gear such as Alcatruz, gillnet or the hook device can be observed. Take advantage of the passage on Praia da Luz to visit the Church of Luz de Lagos, the ruins of the Roman baths and to make sure that the ocean is refreshing for a swim. Cycling on a bike path surrounded by views of the sea and the cliffs, you will find Ponta da Piedade. We recommend that you take some time to explore this magnificent natural monument. Cycling along the Bensafrim stream you will reach the city centre of Lagos.


Day 3 - Lagos to Portimão (31 km)

Start your day exploring Lagos, a city that played a key role in the Age of Portuguese Discoveries, as many of these vessels left from here. The Parish Church of Santa Maria, the Church of Santo António, the Bandeira Fort and the Municipal Market are some highlights to explore in the city. Cycling along a bike path and quiet paths you will reach Meia Praia, where you can enjoy a refreshing swim. Between roads and paths with little movement you will cycle along an aquaculture area. When the tide is low, you can see countless shellfish gatherers collecting bivalves such as clams and cockles. Take advantage of the passage through Odiáxere to visit its 16th century Mother Church. The route to Alvor is traced by a road with movement, often accompanied by storks in their nests. In Alvor, visit the Morabito de São Pedro, the Municipal Market and cycle through the typical narrow streets, where we recommend a break for a drink or a good lunch in a typical Algarve restaurant with fresh fish. The Alvor estuary is a highlight and offers extraordinary views. Enjoy the passage through Praia do Vau and its landscaped environment flanked by smooth cliffs and irregular rock formations. Cycling along the coast with fantastic views over the ocean, you will reach Praia da Rocha, where you can relax the rest of the day.


Day 4 - Return

End of the program with transfer with MegaSport to Faro airport or to another location of your choice.

OPTIONAL: extra nights available on request.

KRÓTKA PRZERWA – Z PRZEWODNIKIEM – Trasa rowerowa Algarve Coast Line – Sagres do Portimão – 3 noce | 2 etapy


  • Ta trasa obejmuje część wybrzeża Algarve, umożliwiając odwiedzanie wiosek, miasteczek i miast przybrzeżnych w regionie, głównie drogami drugorzędnymi i cichymi ścieżkami. Charakteryzuje się przeważnie płaskim terenem ze średnio jednym do dwóch średnich podjazdów dziennie. Przy średniej długości 41 km dziennie etapy można bez problemu pokonywać przy wsparciu przewodnika.
  • W ramach tego programu dostępne są rowery indywidualne oraz rowery 2-osobowe (tandem) – które są doskonałą opcją dla osób niewidomych i nie umiejących jeździć na rowerze, gdyż towarzyszy im osoba z doświadczeniem w jeździe na rowerze.
  • Jeśli którykolwiek członek grupy lub rodziny nie chce przejechać jednego lub więcej etapów na rowerze, ma możliwość podróżowania między hotelami w pojeździe, który codziennie wykonuje transfery bagażu.
Dzienne dystanse
51 | 31 Km.

Region Algarve, obdarzony ponad 300 dniami czystego nieba, oferuje doskonałe temperatury, dzięki którym można cieszyć się wycieczką rowerową o każdej porze roku. Średnie maksymalne temperatury wahają się od 16 stopni w styczniu do 29 stopni w sierpniu i 19 stopni w listopadzie.

Jak dojechać do Faro

Samolot – możesz zarezerwować bilet lotniczy bezpośrednio na lotnisko w Faro lub na lotnisko w Lizbonie (z połączeniem do Faro pociągiem lub autobusem).

Samochód – Twój samochód można zaparkować przy pierwszym lub ostatnim hotelu w programie, w innym wybranym przez Ciebie miejscu lub w naszych obiektach w Loulé.


Poziom trudności trasy


KRÓTKI WYPOCZYNEK - Z PRZEWODNIKIEM - Rowerem wzdłuż wybrzeża Algarve - z Sagres do Portimão - 3 noce | 2 etapy

 CENY 2025 08 - 11 Styczeń 05 - 08 Luty 05 - 08  Marzec 05 - 08 Listopad 03 - 06 Grudzień


(na osobę)

780 € 780  780  780  780 


(uzupełnienie - na osobę)

70 € 70  70  70  70 



180 € 180  180  180  180 



300 € 300  300  300  300 


  • 2 Dni rowerowe z przewodnikiem

  • 3 Noclegi w hotelach 4* ze śniadaniami (może ulec zmianie ze względu na dostępność)

  • 3 Obiady

  • Transfer z Faro (lotnisko, dworzec kolejowy, dworzec autobusowy lub inne wybrane przez Ciebie miejsce) do hotelu w Sagres

  • Transfer wyjazdowy z Portimão do Faro (lotnisko, dworzec kolejowy, dworzec autobusowy lub inne wybrane przez Ciebie miejsce)

  • Rower trekkingowy lub tandem (2 siedzenia) z torbą przednią i boczną

  • Transfer bagażu pomiędzy hotelami

  • Kask

  • Butelka wody

  • Ubezpieczenie

  • Pomoc techniczna
  • Miejskie podatki turystyczne



*Rower elektryczny (Bosch lub Yamaha) = 60€




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SHORT BREAK - GUIDED - Cycling Algarve Coast Line - Sagres to Portimão - 3 nights | 2 stages

 PRICES 2026 08 - 11 January 05 - 08 February 05 - 08 March  05 - 08 November 03 - 06 December


(per person)

780 € 780  780  780  780 


(supplement - per person)

70 € 70  70  70  70 



180 € 180  180  180  180 



300 € 300  300  300  300 


  • 2 Cycling days with guide

  • 3 Nights’ accommodation in 4* hotels with breakfast (may be subject to change due to availability)

  • 3 Dinners

  • Arrival transfer from Faro (airport, train station, bus terminal or any other location of your choice) to the hotel in Sagres

  • Departure transfer from Portimão to Faro (airport, train station, bus terminal or any other location of your choice)

  • Trekking bicycle or tandem bicycle (2 seats) with front bag and side bag

  • Luggage transfer between hotels

  • Helmet

  • Bottle of water

  • Insurance

  • Technical assistance
  • Municipal tourist taxes



*Electric Bicycle (Bosch or Yamaha) = 60€





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